Thursday, December 29, 2011

Winter break is my go time

Ever since I finished all my classes for the Fall semester I've been crafting my fingers to the bone. Now is the time to get caught up on all the projects I've been thinking about but had no time to get done at all. And project #1 on the top of my list was to get back on the Teesha Moore craft wagon. I didn't even attempt to hit my goal of 20 panels and 1 finished object October or November, but I've already finished my goal for December and then some.

These pictures are way overblown on the light, rest assured much better pictures will be taken when they end up in my shop.

I had a few in progress pieces that were supposed to be long clutch like purses, but as my planning didn't go quite as I'd hoped I turned them into accent pillows.




I also put together these little pouches/wallets. It's the perfect size for a few of the basic necessities: license, cash, card, maybe some chapstick. I'll definitely be making more of these.


That aside, I've been addicted to my crocheting hook for some reason. I made a shawl for myself and a couple more yarn bombs that are ready to be planted. I tried last night to make a thinner shawlette but so far have only managed to supremely bungle the patterns I tried to follow. Oh well, I'll keep trying. There's got to be one out there that I can follow along with.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Yarn Bombing! Finally!

The really exciting thing I just did today! Yarn Bombing!
I've been wanting to do this all fall and winter long but have been too busy and too chicken to find a time to do it. But I finally did it just this afternoon!

My first bomb were these bearies! They are too adorable! And almost hard to part with, but it was for the greater good of sharing their cuteness with the public! Sadly I thought I had a lot more safety eyes so I'll have to pick up more before I can continue to make more but oh well. here's the link for the pattern:

Here they are on my dashboard being prepped for placement


Ok so I didn't go to some wild place to plant them. They're tied up in a tree across the street from where I work. But that way I'll be able to watch them and see how long it takes for them to be taken down. I wonder if my coworkers will be able to figure out that I put them there....there's a good chance of that.



And then I did another one!

I started on this one back in August or September and never got the motivation to finish it until now! I posted in progress pictures a while back. Anyway, I wasn't able to hang it up as well as I would have liked but I'm pretty pleased with the placement. This one went on a tree next to a neighborhood subdivison, right by the road. No one saw me put this one up I dont think.




And just as a bonus a wee vine I crocheted for a past project that ended up being tossed. I figured it tie it up for fun. This one I got caught on - the lady in the van was giving me a funny look haha.


There will be more for sure. I think I want to go bigger and better........hmmmm.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Going out with a bang!

Much to my surprise and delight I managed to finish my project by early afternoon today. Then of course much shuffling of furniture had to happen so I could take some decent pictures but I get to share with all of you what has completely consumed me this last week!


This is my final project for fibers; we were taught how to use discharge paste to pull the dyed color back out of the fabric....I can't say that my piece really pushes that point but I do like the effect.

Onto the detail shots!



Sooooooooooo many bullion knots - I used 10+ things of floss. I really thought I was going to run out but I managed to make it last...I suppose I could have used up the rest filling it in a bit but I was/am ready to be done with this already. I figured that the total time it took me to complete this project was about 35 hours, with at least 2/3 of the time just hand stitching.



The black filled in areas are knotted up black yarn couched onto the fabric. I wanted to try to create an organic texture reminiscent of mold - haha. I was really trying to respond to the patterning of dye on the fabric which reminds me of plants on a cellular level.




I got a few comments that the little germ guys look like sperm, but they're not. Oh well, at least I know what they're supposed to be.


It was this moment right here, when I was cutting/ripping the edges of the fabric to make a more organic edge that I totally freaked out. I accidentally ripped right into one of the embroidered mold spores...but actually I really like that the embroidery runs off the edge...though I'm not completely sure how long it'll stay nice like that before it unravels.

That's it! I'm super happy with this result - I think it's my favorite project of the semester, and it will be hanging up.

Also there will be a bunch more posts in the next few weeks! I'm finally free from school for a while so you can count on me being super productive in my own personal projects and the TM stuff I've been slack on for so long!

Have a great week guys!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Super quick post

Ok, I am in the midst of my super huge final project, of which I'm crossing my fingers I'll be able to finish fully to my liking, before I run out of time. Its going slow, but I'll be stitching every spare second I have this weekend so I'll report back here on Monday (or Sunday if I manage to finish before bedtime) with detailed pictures and such then!

Edit: Its 10 pm now I'm pretty close to finishing - with one move I've either made it super awesome or really just screwed up...............I'm leaning towards liking it.......with a little more tweaking. But I really must stop touching it now before I really ruin it.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Never enough hours or energy

Ok guys I'm going to be really honest: I am really really tired right now and I don't want to do my homework! But I have to power through somehow. This is the last week of school (well technically finals week but I'm going to have to put in some major hours this week for my final project in fibers) and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel but getting there is going to be a royal bitch for the next couple of days.

I'm not going to spend too much time on this post as I need to recharge my batteries somehow and get some work done but in the meantime I'm going to leave you with some quick pics of some fabric I recently dyed at school! I wish I had a whole set up at home to do this but it's pretty messy....or let's say I'm pretty messy when I do it.

Admittedly not the best pictures; its winter so its dark all the time now =/






The last picture is going to be the base for my final project; I will definitely have progress pics and the final picture of it when its done, I'm super excited about my concept!!

Friday, December 2, 2011

The shod teddies say to make a list

I've spent the last hour or so trying to think of what to type here tonight. I've been busy but only on projects that I've been working on and have talked about ad nauseum. And then it hit me: I've been making lists a lot lately just trying to prioritize everything I need to get done in the next few weeks before the end of the semester and with the holidays coming up (ack scary). So I'll share it here with you! We'll see how many I can get checked off!

(Oh and btw those teddies I speak of in the title of this post are here:


It was a failed attempt at silk painting from my fiber's not how I wanted it at all, but there is still a silly charm about it).

Anyway! List time...

1. Finish heat setting my silk painting samples
2. Dye 2+ yards of fabric for final project in Fibers (I think I'm going to buy more than I need so I can have awesome dyed fabric for myself for future projects)
3. Complete final project for Fibers (I don't have many details on it now, but I know it involves discharge paste...hopefully it'll be fun).
4. Finish monoprints for printmaking (due on Tuesday!)
5. Finish Nic's surprise holiday present before 12/11!! We're going to see Wicked the musical SOOOOOOO excited!!
6. Must get back on the TM monthly goal project and go crazy. I think I'll have a much easier time getting into it and will be very productive once I don't have any school stuff hanging over my head.

Also must get any xmas gifts out the door and mailed sooner than later! I hate the PO this time of year but it must be done. I know the gas station by my apartment actually does mail service so I think I might try to go there - I kind of doubt people line up there to mail things out too much haha.

I promise next week I'll have new pictures to share!
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