It boggles the mind how much I have to try to do this week. So to try to organize my thoughts, and hopefully give me a little method to my madness I'm going to make a list of everything I need to do before next Saturday. Why Saturday......wellllll, I've been invited to sell at a local craft show!! Nicole of the ever-talented
Curious Goods and I were supposed to hang out but she got the opportunity to vend and being the sweetheart that she is, she invited me along to hang out and put some of my stuff on her table with her!
In response to this I said of course immediately. It's awesome. But my mind has been blown with all of the elaborate set ups you can create to display items...and I only have a limited time to pull this off. Definitely a trip to the dollar store is planned for today, and possibly to Joanns....
So list...
1. shirts, bags - Need price tags - my boss at work has a giant room dedicated to her crafting and she offered to let me borrow some of her punches so I'll hopefully get that tomorrow at work and then punch and stamp and decorate away so that I can put them on the bags and shirts I'm bringing.
2. cards - I need cellophane envelopes to put them in so they look a little nicer. When I package them to ship out from my etsy I do have bags for that but it wouldn't look quite as nice when selling the cards individually as the bags are too big for that.
3. art prints - I have quite a few smaller sized art prints that are good to go but I need to get some sort of display stand to denote how much they cost.
4. FQS - I am almost done with a massive effort to make a bunch of new FQs. At my count now I have over 20 and I have 3 more designs at least that I want to do a couple of. So those need to be finished, washed, edges cut, ironed and then comes the big question: how do I display them? I thought about trying to imitate FQs you'd buy in the store wrapped around a piece of cardboard...but I think I might just fold it up neatly and then have a paper wrapper to go around the whole thing with my logo and washing instructions on it......I'm not sure. We'll see what it looks like when I do a mock up.
5. pouches - I need a container of some sort since these don't have a strap I could hang them up with. Probably a basket or whatever looks good at the dollar store.
6. business card holder - or something of the sort to put my business cards in...I know we have extra to spare at work, but those are so boring...still thinking on this one.
7. logo banner - I'm so happy and relieved that I already made this item. In the back of my mind I always thought it'd work out well as a display banner if I ever started to vend at craft shows. I do need to finish it though - the edges are still raw and I need some way to hang it or tie it up. And I can't get the thought of some pompom ribbon sewn to the edge of it. We'll see if that wins out.
And this list doesn't even count the 3 or 4 projects I'm knee deep in the middle of that I need to have finished by the end of the month! I decided that on the days that I work (which tend to be the days I'm more likely to slack off and do nothing just due to being tired) I am determined to at least accomplish an hour or two worth of work towards these projects just to try to make a little progress. I'd like to think I'm pretty good when under pressure of a deadline.
Wish me luck!