I contemplated making my own ugly Christmas sweater but decided that with all the holiday crafting that was in store for me, I wouldn't have enough time to really devote the right amount of energy and effort to pull it off well (I am my own elitist hah). But when an announcement went up at work this last Friday that there would be an ugly Christmas sweater contest....well my fate was sealed right there.
So now I am in the planning stages of my Christmas sweater!...or maybe shirt or something...I'll have to see what I can repurpose in my closet. I have a few ideas of how to approach it, though to be honest, with the Christmas dress I made, I had the start of an idea and just went from there. My only issue is that this is going to be worn at work which is in the public eye and so therefore must be "work-appropriate". No swearing, no sexual innuendo, etc (which isn't really my style anyway).
I love the idea of incorporating something so non-Christmas in to a Christmas-y scene, like dinosaurs or kittens.

I love the fair isle knitting look, but probably won't tackle that now. That requires screen printing, getting all of that prepared = too much time and I have none. But I may try to work in dinos pulling Santa's sleigh or something...
Another dream of mine is to incorporate working lights into my garment. I am so not a lights and moving things person, but I might try. I've been seeing these super simple but clever snowmen on pinterest made from battery-operated votive candle lights and thought that would be easy to recreate and incorporate onto a sweater.

My last idea, and I think the easiest to pull off in the short time I have is a vomiting reindeer theme. I have tons of bits of Christmas crap that Rudolph can be yakking up....

But I am doubting myself....I texted one of my bosses at work to see if the vomiting reindeer would fly at work (haha get it), and I haven't gotten a response back yet, but now I'm wondering...if I'm even questioning it, doesn't that indicate right there that it may be a problem? Darn it. I was getting really excited about that one.
Well, on I go to start my Christmas sweater adventure. Next time, no doubt, I'll have pictures to share of the actual sweater!