In other news I am going to do a photo dump of what I've been messing around with lately. Just a mish-mash of things I've made for different people...
First and foremost, SPOOLMAN! I made this little assemblage sculpture for a friend who is a sewing wizard! It was based off another sculpture she had pinned and this is my take on it.

Also in the altered/assembled vein of creation, I made a funny little Santa ornament with an old paintbrush. He might have looked a little more jolly and a little less starved if I had a bigger brush on hand, but make do with what you have, yes?

Somehow I find it difficult to stay away from making patches for too long. It's fun to make a few for other people and not be bogged down in the process from start to finish of making a bag or a cover or what-have-you..

A little jewelry of course. I've cooled off on making jewelry a bit, but mostly because I'm waiting for a few pieces I've ordered off of etsy to come in so I can make a pendant I've been dreaming about for a while...this little steampunk creation is just the right mix of sweet and steam I think.

Also a little screen printing to try out a newly set up photo emulsion screen! The gallifreyan script, weeping angel, and sonic screwdriver are all new prints!

And lastly to round out this photo dump, finally a pretty horrible picture of myself wearing my "30 minutes or less" ugly Christmas sweater...I had a the night before so basically had just the morning before work to throw this together. I'm not proud but at least it has lights...if you can make that out in the picture. I swear if I ever do this again it WILL BE BETTER!! (Hard not to be I suppose - ouch, truth hurts.)

Ok! That's all folks! I'm sitting on a few more projects but I'll share those soon. =)