Friday, December 9, 2011

Never enough hours or energy

Ok guys I'm going to be really honest: I am really really tired right now and I don't want to do my homework! But I have to power through somehow. This is the last week of school (well technically finals week but I'm going to have to put in some major hours this week for my final project in fibers) and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel but getting there is going to be a royal bitch for the next couple of days.

I'm not going to spend too much time on this post as I need to recharge my batteries somehow and get some work done but in the meantime I'm going to leave you with some quick pics of some fabric I recently dyed at school! I wish I had a whole set up at home to do this but it's pretty messy....or let's say I'm pretty messy when I do it.

Admittedly not the best pictures; its winter so its dark all the time now =/






The last picture is going to be the base for my final project; I will definitely have progress pics and the final picture of it when its done, I'm super excited about my concept!!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see your final project- I'm sure it's going to be AMAZING!! I really love the yellow fabric- it's beautiful!!


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