I brought a bunch of things to abandon - Onxynox's little books as well as the oddly cute creepy mini houses I made.
I did plan to abandon art in the airports as I made my connections to and from MI but decided that with all the bomb warnings and security it's just wasn't worth the risk of getting in trouble. But I did roam the streets of Seattle with one of my best friends and found some little places to drop art.
The first thing I abandoned was one of the houses, in a flower box in front of a police station haha. I suppose if I thought about it too much I would have gotten paranoid about that too, but police can use a little art and surprise in their life too.
**Disclaimer right now: I apologize for some truly crappy cell phone pictures you're about to see, but that's all I had. Sorry.***
And I think I already even heard from the person who found this little guy to take home!!
"I just got to Seattle for the first time a couple days ago. On that very first day, I was aimlessly wandering around the pike/pine/broadway area and right there, looking right at me, was that little dude. I'm terribly fond of him. Thank you for your art and for knowing the right way to share it. It was the perfect thing to make me feel welcomed in this city."
Ahhh, I love hearing back from people who totally get it!
Continuing our walk, my friend and I discovered an old phone booth on the street. It looked so forlorn and abandoned that I had to put one there - I wish I could have staked it out to see if anyone would notice it. We passed by it again on our way back to my friend's apartment and it was still there.
We visited her work and got some yummy free coffee - and I decided the bathroom was a great place to drop another of my houses. If you can't tell, it's sitting on the heating vent which is not being used yet at this point.
I abandoned another little book later, clipping it onto a "no Smoking" sign in front of a construction site. It's right on a busy road with plenty of foot traffic so I imagine that one has been found already.
I also dropped another of my little houses in a clear plastic bin by an apartment building. It has been found and I got an email!!
"Hey! Just letting you know that I found your little dude! Do you need any info/photos? Where else has it been?"
My friend got so into the abandoning idea that she asked if she could abandon a couple on her own - she wanted to put one in a cute little terrarium display at her work so she could watch to see who picked it up. Additionally she wanted to abandon one on her day trip to Las Vegas but I guess she chickened out with that one because there were cameras everywhere - that's understandable. She promises to get me pictures though so I will be sharing those in the near future!
And my very last wee book to abandon came with me to the grocery store when I got back home.
It's weird not having anything else to abandon now, but when I get some free time I will be making more!
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