We had to make a book based on a style of book binding called........um don't remember that part, sorry. It was basically a complex folded book that allowed you to have insert cards for each page. In addition to this we made book cases for our books (we could chose to make one for all the books we made in the class or for just one book as I did).
Book in case
Book out of case.
And look at the fancy inner lining I made, stars, fun.
We were supposed to have some sort of running theme through all the books we made in the class and my theme was "the detritus of my life" or basically all the found paper, junk, crap that fills up my daily life. Each of the books were themed School, Home, Car, and Work respectively (I came up with Car because I couldn't think of another actual location so it works. I'm in my car a lot).
This may be a little revealing of my general feelings towards work. Hah. Oh and for further insight I work at a Bank. All the little bits of paper glued into the book are actually from work.
All the pages together
And closeups of my favorite pages - and no that's not real money if you were fooled. I'm not that rich!
Each page represented a day of the work week, and each page was glued into the slot rather than being removable.
I suppose work isn't THAT bad, and I enjoy the people I work with. But I'd love to be able to make art my full time job some day. Until then I will continue to dream.
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