Anyway, that aside, I got a fantastic package from Nellie finally! I was afraid the Mail people were playing tricks on me making it take so long to be delivered. Here are two hoops she made me on my wall already =) (I snagged the pictures from her blog since mine just weren't turning out with the weather all crappy today).

Here they are on my wall with all the other hoops I've traded for or made myself. Running out of room!

And an awesome bag with a neat lion print - I can't believe she drew that herself, it looks so realistic!

And since I don't have much else in the way of crafty news to share I decided to take part in something a little sweet to give back. Pssss, thanks to Nelly for whatever she'll send my way ;)

Spread the love on your own blog promising to send a little special something to the first three people who comment on your post. You get 72 hours to re-post, or I'll have to move on to the next person. Please only comment if you're willing to pay it forward. If you want to receive something unique from me in the mail and if you are willing to do the same for others, leave a comment below!
Please leave your email address so that I can contact you directly! And blog URL so that I and others can visit your blog! Again, I want to emphasize that please only comment if you're willing to pay it forward. Nobody likes a taker.
Who's down for paying it forward craft style?
First, I LOVE your wall of hoops. I'm a new reader, and I've been enjoying reading through your blog. I'm definitely going to have to take a hoop wall into consideration.
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to let you know that you should buy a wrist brace if you don't already have one. Wear it when you sleep. That will help with the hand and wrist pain. Also, frequent stretching while you're stitching should help. I'm mostly a knitter, but we have many of the same problems.
Put your arm straight in front of you with the fingers pointing up and the palm out. Use the other hand to pull the fingers of the extended hand back toward your arm for a gentle stretch of wrist, palm, and fingers.
Another stretch is to put both arms in front of you, fingers interlaced and palms facing out. Stretch the hands forward to give yourself a gentle stretch.
I love the pay it forward giveaway idea and would love to take part.
bourbongirl @
Thanks for all the tips! I'll have to definitely try it out when I have another day long stitching session. And I'll be in touch soon to get your address so I can send you something special! =)
DeleteOOh, yes please! I love me some sheepBlue goodness!
ReplyDeleteAnd I have a post going up tonight, so I can tack this on the end of that!
SM - Excited to see what you'll make for your pay it forward! I'll message you soon!
DeleteI am a fellow crafter, and I know all too well the dangerous of achey craft hands! Ever if you don't crochet, there is a company called Crochet Daddy that makes some excellent crochet support gloves. I wear mine for crochet, knitting and wire work. Also, some arnica cream at the end of a craft session goes a long way, and if you have the time, treat your whole body to an epsom salt bathtub soak with a few drops of peppermint oil. The epsom with ease body ache in your hands and lower back from sitting up and stitching all day, and the peppermint oil is energizing and great for circulation. All of that should have you back on your feet and making your fabulous crafts again in no time!
ReplyDeleteI love your blog and I find your work to be spectacular! Thank you so much for all of the posting and pictures! Reading your blog gives inspiration and keeps me thining and working even through the worst crafter-block!
Thanks again!
Your description of the bath soak sounds heavenly I'll definitely have to try that! And those gloves sound interesting - they must still allow a certain amount of flexibility still to let you still be able to crochet with them on right?
DeleteThank you so much for the super sweet words! I do this for my own personal entertainment but also to share with everyone else, and hey, entertain you too =)
OH! And I love your pay it forward idea!! Going to go post that bit in my own blog right now, and here is my email: and blog:
Yay! I'll contact you soon to get your address so I can start devising my awesome pay it forward project!