All of these were made in my high school years, though I'd be arsed if I could remember exactly when...
Two pieces made in my ceramics class. I took so many art classes my teacher basically let me do whatever I wanted. The first is a foot/boot obviously. Makes total sense. Second is my attempt at a "painted deer skull".

This was a GIANT papermached llama I made for an art club fundraiser. Why orange? Um, I don't know.

And a super super horrible self portrait done in oils - my first and likely last attempt at that medium. Just for my own vanity I'm posting a self portrait I drew last year; though a different medium it is sooooo much better. Also, note the weird little cemetery behind me in the painting.....why? I am/was/will always be a bit odd I think.

A camel head. For an art parade. Not bad.

And this most awesome headpiece for my sister's Carmen Miranda costume for Halloween one year. I ended up burning the crap out of my hand with a glue gun when I saved her face from imminent damage of dripping glue.

That's all for now. I will very very soon have finished pictures up of my weird barnacle project which turned out pretty neat. Time to go try to sleep (I hate daylight savings time).
Night all.
I think it's great to rediscover projects from yester-year :). I need a giant orange llama.